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Syntax:  guild   <character> <clan|none>
         unguild <character> [explanation text]
         promote <character> <rank>
         leader  <character>

GUILD is used to guild new clan members who aren't already in a clan (this
includes [--Loner--] who must first have Immortal approval before being
guilded).  It can only be used by a Lord or higher.  Guilding
someone to "none" (no guild) is soley the province of immortals.
e.g. guild bob kot
     Would guild Bob into -=)(KoT)(=-.

UNGUILD is used to unguild clan members.  It can only be used by the <Leader> or
by Immortals.  When unguilding someone who is actively playing, they must be
present in the same room.  If the character is not currently in the game they
can still be unguilded although an additional confirmation step is required.
When unguilding someone from the roster, after the first invocation a warning
will be given stating that the next command must have an explanation attached
before it will work.  Without an explanation the character will NOT be
unguilded.  These explanations are viewed by the Immortals so please use this
command carefully.
e.g. unguild bob
     Would start the unguilding process if Bob weren't in the game.
     (If he were in the game and in the same room he'd be unguilded).
e.g. unguild bob he never plays any more and doesn't follow clan rules
     Would finish him off and complete the unguilding process on the roster.

PROMOTE is used to give promotions to those already in a clan.  To promote (or
demote) someone, use:  'promote <character> <rank>'.  The rank may be specified
as either a number or title.
e.g. promote george 6
     promote george vassal
     These two commands are identical, and would promote George to the rank of

LEADER can be used only by Immortals to set the leadership of a given clan.
Note:  A <Leader> may ONLY be given that rank by the patron of that clan.
       Mortals cannot acquire leadership of a clan through any other means.