Abysmal Realms Logo/Banner



Syntax:  roster [rank-range] [list-type] [clan-name] [petition]

ROSTER shows a list of all the members of a clan (not just those currently
logged on).  The listing shows information such as:  level, class, race,
gender, permanent alignment, clan rank, etc.

An example:
[ 15 M Hum Wlk] Somebody, The Example <Recruit> [9 d] (100 h) *75*
Lvl | Race  |  Name     Title          Clan     Days  Hours* Diamonds
    Sex    Class                        Rank   Absent Played  Donated

The yellow color of the bracketed information means this character is of a
permanent good alignment.  This information is uncolored for neutral characters
and red for evil ones.

Specifying a rank range will only show clan members within that range.  If only
one rank is specified, that is the minimum rank that will be displayed.
e.g. roster 4 10
     Would display all those ranked <Officer> through <Leader>.

The roster list-type may be one of the following (if not specified, the default
list-type is sorted by clan rank):
  patrons  - Display only clan patrons.
  leaders  - Display only clan leaders.
  diamonds - Sort list by total diamonds donated to the clan (most first).
  name     - Sort list by name (alphabetical descending).
  level    - Sort list by level (highest first).
  recent   - Sort list by time (most recently played first).
  played   - Sort list by hours played (most first).*

* A <Magistrate> or higher is also allowed to see total hours played and
diamonds donated for each character listed.  This is mainly used as a
basis for gauging participation and for assisting with promotion decisions.

Note:  Only immortals are allowed to see other clans' rosters by specifying a
       clan name.

Roster Petition: Players may petition the gods for a promotion, if the
leadership in their clan is inactive.  The success of such a petition is
dependent on how active the petitioner is.