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There are certain places in the realms designated as Arenas.  These places
allow for fully open combat between any two player characters (or more as the
case may be).  The following are the rules/restrictions of arena combat:

  No level restrictions.  Anyone can attack anyone, regardless of the level
  Do _NOT_ attack newbies in the arena unless they are there for the fight.
  No clan restrictions.  Non-clan members may attack and be attacked.
  No clan penalties.  There are no penalties for attacking a member of another
      clan (e.g. no divine curse for attacking a <PROTECTOR>).
  No gaining of or losing a KILLER flag.
  No gaining of or losing a THIEF flag.  No stealing is permitted in an arena.
  No experience point loss for being defeated in an arena.
  No permanent equipment damage due to spell and magical attacks (e.g. acid
      damage on armor).  It is still possible, however, for attacks to destroy
      potions and other non-permanent items.
  No WIMPY settings.  There is no automatic fleeing in an arena.
  No charm or sleep spells allowed.
  No saccing or donating of equipment.
  Do _NOT_ steal equipment from others at the arena.  To do so is to invite
      divine wrath.

Combatants within an arena who are defeated do not perish, but are recalled in
disgrace to the safety of their clan hall.  Those not in a clan are sent back
to the Temple of Midgaard.  Pets also do not die in an arena (they are recalled
as well), but charmed NPCs do.  The only compensation they receive is a small
bit of healing on the order of 5% of their maximum total hit points.

Being defeated in an arena doesn't cure any negative effects such as poison or
plague.  After being defeated, these effects are temporarily delayed but it is
imperative to cure them as quickly as possible, lest death result.

Note:  At the current time, The Cross Roads, just east of Midgaard is an arena
       room.  Reportedly, there is an arena underneath Midgaard as well.