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Syntax:  afk [default|<description>]

Typing AFK (Away From Keyboard) puts the character in a tell-saving mode as
follows:  any tell to the character is stored in a special buffer, and can be
seen later by typing REPLAY.  This is useful when you need to leave the MUD for
5 or 10 minutes, but don't want to miss any tells.  [AFK] shows up in the
character's prompt until it is turned off.  If there are tells pending while in
AFK mode, the prompt will change to [AFK]* to indicate this.

AFK DEFAULT will set the AFK title to the game default.

AFK with a description will show that as the character's title while AFK.
Note:  "AFK" (in caps) must be placed somewhere in the message or the AFK
       default title will be used instead.
e.g. afk will be AFK for a few minutes.

Tells to linkdead players are stored in a similar fashion, and can also be
seen by REPLAY (unless, of course, the character logs off before reading them).
Note:  One does not need to remove AFK mode to read saved tells, using REPLAY
       is allowed while in AFK mode.

AFK players cannot be killed and do not regenerate hit points, mana, or
movement (except in safe rooms and clan halls).  AFK players will not
auto-assist in fights.  Movement, spell casting, or fighting will
automatically turn off AFK.  Attempting to attack AFK players may result in
severe punishment by the Immortals, as will using it to escape attacks.