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In top level games, here are some interesting manuvers I saw used.

Normally, the instant the game starts, two people go for the flags.  If you
carefully move in and out of your flagroom, you can punch somebody and lag
them enough to make the anti-camp kill them.  This can lead to an early-on
lead in points if done right.

When your team has more than 1 thief, one can set up crossbows while the
other sets up silent or verbose traps a few tiles deep into the pathways.
This will allow a warlock or necromancer to be waiting when the
flagcarrier gets to midfield and kill them before they can scatter.

Normally, it's best to assign the people most familiar with the map
the job of securing the weapons early on.  In a race situation, you
need to secure your weapons fast.  Consider the side you play on as
it affects what weapons you start in good position to get quickly.
Also bear in mind that only certain people can get certain secret weps.

Only the first ENTER mprog in a room will go off.  This means that if
there's two autocrossbows in a room, only the most-recently placed one will
actually go off.  Perhaps setting one on top of an opponent's to wedge open
a passageway is a good idea... or better yet, placing a silent trap over it
so that the thief doesn't even realize his crossbow isn't working...